Hey internet, it's been a while. Seems I blogged for the month October and only the month of October. Let me explain what happened... As you can see my posts were mainly about how I adopted iifym macro practice, and how well it was working for me. Honestly I had seen so much progress and success with this idea of eating for a while. I thought I have finally gotten myself on a path I was happy and successful with. I thought I had finally beat the binging. Unfortunately that was not the case. In fact right when I stopped blogging is when my binging worked its way back to my life. Correlation? Yes. How could one write positive messages and healthy eating support, when you are unhappy and can't even control your own eating?! For the months following October, I would eat and eat and eat until I felt sick. I felt so sick sometimes I could have sworn I was going to die. Every morning I would wake up saying "yesterday was the last day." So I would restrict al...